I'm Thomas Debesse, part of Unvanquished project head and Unvanquished game and Dæmon engine developer.
I have my own enterprise providing services around free software: rebatir.fr.
Here comes the second update of our 0.55 release cycle! Just in time for Christmas! 🎄️ Only the engine, the game code and the main game package are updated. There is no map or texture update. The update will then be very fast to download if you use our updater & launcher! Dancing and flying … Continue reading Unvanquished 0.55.2: bots in the sky→
Unvanquished 0.55.1, let’s polish it! First bunch of fixes and improvements for 0.55! It’s time to update! We made this update quickly because we identified annoying bugs in some maps. Those bugs went unnoticed before, as there were some dormant mistakes in the brushwork that surfaced only when using a newer version of the map … Continue reading Unvanquished 0.55.1, let’s polish it!→
Unvanquished 0.55 is now there! It was long awaited, but now it is real! Download it now! Fast! Fast! Fast! The engine and the game are now much more faster than ever! Sky simplification: Reaper brought a cleansing fire to the archaic and bafflingly baroque sky rendering code. That old code could generate over 1000 … Continue reading Unvanquished 0.55: Awesomeness has arrived→
We are now very close to releasing Unvanquished 0.55! It’s now only a matter of days! We have published a first release candidate (see the thread in the forums). Let’s give some news about the project before the release day comes! Updated updater updating the updater We already rolled out our new updater! The Unvanquished … Continue reading Awesomeness is coming!→
We are pleased to announce the release of Unvanquished 0.54.1! This release is mostly meant as a technical update. The purpose is to deliver to people various much-needed and long-overdue fixes, especially the following engine ones: Some rendering fixes. Some fixes for memory leaks. WebP update to address a security issue. A fix for a … Continue reading Unvanquished 0.54.1 is here→
We are looking for OpenGL wizards with C++ abilities! 🧙♂️️ We are looking for someone who can help us to finish our portal implementation, especially the blending of portals with other textures. The Dæmon engine is a game engine written in C++ historically based on id Tech 3 (the game engine that powered Quake III … Continue reading Looking for an OpenGL and C++ developer (let’s do portals!)→
Happy new year, Unvanquished 0.54 is there! 🎉 Many bugs were fixed as usual, the game can now run on Linux ARM devices, navigation meshes for bot navigation are now generated in game, bots were improved, and Someone joined the team… Let’s talk more about all that goodness! ARM binaries on Linux! Unvanquished 0.54 is … Continue reading Unvanquished 0.54, ARMed and dangerous→
Here comes the second point release of Unvanquished 0.53, ready to be downloaded! If you play using our launcher or Flatpak, the update will be proposed to you automatically! Alongside some new features for game servers owners and some gameplay adjustments, this release brings engine fixes for rendering bugs, better compatibility with legacy Tremulous maps, … Continue reading Unvanquished 0.53.2: refinements→
The Unvanquished game turned 10 years old this year! We published 0.53.1 this month, ➡️ Download and join the game! Unvanquished is a real-time strategy game played as a first-person shooter where evolving aliens and heavily armed humans fight for their survival. Unvanquished saw its first release on February 29, 2012. But the history starts far … Continue reading 10 years and Unvanquished→
Hi, here a small update for the game to fix a bug that went unnoticed until the release. The symptom was basically “sometime while doing something (chatting, opening a menu…) the client would disconnect from the game server”. 😱 Since the problem is now corrected, we want to release the fix as soon as possible. … Continue reading Unvanquished 0.53.1 and launcher 0.2.0, quick fix and dark magic!→
A free, open-source first-person strategy shooter, pitting technologically advanced human soldiers against hordes of highly adaptable aliens