
📥 Downloads

The Unvanquished launcher will download and update the game data with bittorrent, install and configure the game properly for you and keep it up to date. The launcher is free software as well. Linux users can also install a Flatpak.

The downloaded content is stored by the launcher in XDG_DATA_HOME on Linux, Program Files on Windows, and in Library/Application Support on macOS. See the Game locations page on the wiki for details.

Downloads for Linux i686, Linux armhf and Linux arm64 are only available in the universal zip (see Other downloads below.)

¹ Apple Silicon support is done through Rosetta 2.

🖥️ System requirements

Unvanquished requires about 600MB of disk space for a fresh installation. Playing online may download extra content (mods, custom game levels, etc.).

Requirements cores disk RAM VRAM OpenGL Preset
Minimum 1 600MB 2GB 64MB 3.0 lowest
Recommended 2 1GB 4GB 512MB 3.2 high

The Dæmon engine also supports OpenGL 2.1 with ARB_half_float_vertex and EXT/ARB_framebuffer_object but the Unvanquished game may be too slow on such hardware. More information can be found on the wiki: GPU compatibility matrix.

✏️ NetRadiant level editor

The level editor for Unvanquished can be downloaded on the NetRadiant's website.
Other editors like DarkRadiant or GtkRadiant may work but are less “ready to go”. See the wiki for details.

📥 Other downloads

The universal zip and the torrent file is for advanced users or people wanting to install an headless server. This is the only option for second-tier plaforms like 32-bit x86 Linux or ARM Linux. Because your operating system will not know you installed the game it will not be possible to use the server list from this website to join games, neither join games from the chat. Your operating system or unarchiver may not extract the game in a way it can work. The game may not run on macOS if you don't know what “application translocation” means and how to enable it for the game by hand.

Some downloads are mirrored on IndieDB, if you have trouble downloading from other sources this is also a trusted source:

🛠️ If you need to build it

If you need to build the game to run it on an unsupported system (like a very old Linux distribution) or to distribute it in a software distribution, you only need to build the Dæmon engine. You may also want to build the Unvanquished game code if you want to make a mod.

You'll find more details about how to build the game or the engine on the wiki.

A free, open-source first-person strategy shooter, pitting technologically advanced human soldiers against hordes of highly adaptable aliens