Hi everyone! I hope your respective Septembers are going well. In this post, I’ll be going over some of the new things we’ve been working on.
Hi everyone! I hope your respective Septembers are going well. In this post, I’ll be going over some of the new things we’ve been working on.
This is an old post from the year 2012 recovered from the Web Archive. Behold! The overmind! Easily the single largest model for the alien team, with two large arms that it swipes around to attack you with. The green segments on its brain sac will be animated to pulse slowly with burning hatred. After … Continue reading HE COMES!
This is an old post from the year 2012 recovered from the Web Archive. The turret by chris807 is now finished. He did a great job! Here’s a nice render of it, and below, a short video he made of it spinning around on a platform. <missing image http://i.imgur.com/tRJ62.jpg> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3h1oC413tU The video has been made … Continue reading Finished turret
This is an old post from the year 2012 recovered from the Web Archive. So, here are some things we’ve been working on this month for the next alpha release. Art-wise, we’ll very likely have the new turret made by chris807, once he finishes up his texture for it and we give it some animations. … Continue reading A plethora of updates
This is an old post from the year 2012 recovered from the Web Archive. Here’s a look at some of the progress on our new turret, made by chris807. It hasn’t been textured yet, but it will be after his finals are done. Tell us what you think! <missing image http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/2544/testbake3.jpg> <missing image http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/659/testbake4.jpg>
This is an old post from the year 2012 recovered from the Web Archive. Hi everyone. Sorry for the downtime yesterday! The hosting company was having some issues, but they’re fixed now. I’d like to highlight some recent work done on things, starting with the tyrant. Everyone’s favorite gigantic alien beast is being animated by … Continue reading The tyrant, and the server browser.
This is an old post from the year 2012 recovered from the Web Archive. I’d like to point out the progress gavlig has been making on animating our dretch, which will definitely be making it into our third alpha release. He’s been doing a great job, and will be doing the tyrant next, so look … Continue reading The dretch animation, and fun with bots.