Tag Archives: Release

Unvanquished 0.53.2: refinements

Antares map with Battlesuits and Dragoon

Here comes the second point release of Unvanquished 0.53, ready to be downloaded! If you play using our launcher or Flatpak, the update will be proposed to you automatically! Alongside some new features for game servers owners and some gameplay adjustments, this release brings engine fixes for rendering bugs, better compatibility with legacy Tremulous maps, … Continue reading Unvanquished 0.53.2: refinements

Unvanquished 0.53.1 and launcher 0.2.0, quick fix and dark magic!

Alien headshot.

Hi, here a small update for the game to fix a bug that went unnoticed until the release. The symptom was basically “sometime while doing something (chatting, opening a menu…) the client would disconnect from the game server”. 😱 Since the problem is now corrected, we want to release the fix as soon as possible. … Continue reading Unvanquished 0.53.1 and launcher 0.2.0, quick fix and dark magic!

Unvanquished 0.53 Beta, what a milestone!

Parpax map by Maximilian “Viech” Stahlberg.

We are pleased to announce the 2nd Beta release of Unvanquished, a First Person Shooter featuring the ability to build and two factions with radically different abilities: humans who master technology versus aliens and their many specialized evolutions. If you are new to Unvanquished, you may want more information about how the game plays. You can download the game … Continue reading Unvanquished 0.53 Beta, what a milestone!