Daemon, the Unvanquished engine is a descendant of Quake3 (1998) through ioQuake3, Xreal, ET:Xreal and OpenWolf. That’s 15 years of tweaks, fixes and features added at random places in the code.
Tag Archives: Engineering
Confidence explained

We are trying out a new way of gaining stages on the Development & Testing Server. I’ll try to explain how it works and why we made certain decisions.
Engine? Who needs an engine?
This is an old post from the year 2012 recovered from the Web Archive. … We do! It’s release time again, so here’s a summary of the engine changes (relative to 0.5.1), in no particular order. Lots of small optimisations! The engine uses less memory and is a little faster; a lot of unnecessary code … Continue reading Engine? Who needs an engine?
More from the engine room
This is an old post from the year 2012 partially recovered from the Web Archive. Most noticeable first… Outline fonts! More than just ASCII! Yes, that’s right, we have outline fonts! And you can now use more or less any Unicode code point which you can enter when chatting using the say menus (the messagemode … Continue reading More from the engine room
In the engine room
This is an old post from the year 2012 recovered from the Web Archive. We have some Fun™ Things™ on the way in Alpha 3. This article is concerned with the game engine; if you want to know about models, animations and textures, wait Commands There’s a new command for people to play with once, … Continue reading In the engine room
Unvanquished Alpha 2: Voice Say
This is an old post from the year 2012 recovered from the Web Archive. Hello everyone, In this blog entry I will give an overview of the voice say system which will be included in Unvanquished’s second alpha release, scheduled for April 1st 2012. What is Voice Say? The voice say system allows players to … Continue reading Unvanquished Alpha 2: Voice Say