
Libera.Chat IRC Matrix Discord
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๐Ÿ‘‰ IRC #unvanquished channel
Chat Matrix Logo
๐Ÿ‘‰ Matrix space invite link
(main channel)
Chat Discord Logo
๐Ÿ‘‰ Discord invite link
announce We are living in various time zones all around the globe, please keep the chat open until someone replies! announce

The anonymous web chat is currently disabled.
You need to register and identify yourself: [register]

To open the web chat in its own window or browser tab, click here.

Channel infos

Meet and talk to the devs! :granger: Join games!ย ๐Ÿ˜Ž๏ธ Chat with your team! :bsuit: Get help!

โ„น๏ธ We are chatting on the #unvanquished channel on Libera.Chat IRC, the development channel is #unvanquished-dev, see the wiki for other channels. hammer
โ„น๏ธ Here is a Matrix invite link, this is a good way to reach our channels if you already have a Matrix client and account. :thumbup:
โ„น๏ธ Here is a Discord invite link to reach people on Discord in a way they can talk with people on IRC and know about IRC. :thumbup:
โ„น๏ธ You can also let a message in forums. Welcomeโ€ฏ! wink

Channel rules

By joining the chat you agree to the Unvanquished channel rules:

  • Irony or mocking towards and from anyone is not allowed, insults are not allowed. If this happens, both parties will be asked to avoid talking to and about each other for a given time, to both protect each others and prevent the feeding of the drama.
  • It is not allowed to threaten someone to death neither to encourage someone to suicide, neither to express hope someone will die in any way. This is a bannable offense and action will be taken on sight, no question asked.
  • Do not post links to illegal material or pornography. No exceptions. This is a bannable offense.
  • Do not spam the channel. This means repeatedly posting meaningless material, or the same thing several times in a row.
  • Do not abuse bots. Bot spam is not entertaining to anyone that isnโ€™t the direct participant. If you have to spam bot commands, use them via /msg to keep them to yourself.
  • Do not flame each other. Keep it to private messages. If it gets out of hand, both sides of the conflict will take a short break.

โš ๏ธ Irony or mocking towards and from anyone is not allowed, insults are not allowed.ย  If this happens, both parties will be asked to avoid talking to and about each other for a given time, to both protect each others and prevent the feeding of the drama.

More details can be found on wiki.

Extra rules may apply that are specific to the chat platform you connect to, like the Libera.Chat channel guidelines, Matrix code of conduct or the Discord terms of service.

About Discord, Matrix and IRC

You may find Discord Terms of service to be unfriendly and/or unacceptable, that’s why our channels are hosted on IRC and we make special efforts to keep this IRC service welcoming for you. The discord bridge exists to prevent proliferation of discord channels that would not connect people to IRC.

Matrix is an alternative way to connect to our chat. It’s recommended to use the Unvanquished space, which is a native Matrix space we bridge ourselves. This is the easiest configuration (the user just has register to matrix and join) and also the more reliable.

Libera.Chat IRC (and Freenode before it) had undergone flood attacks that encouraged people and projects to migrate from IRC to other proprietary services. We refused to migrate to Discord and have taken the necessary steps to make our IRC channels safe and welcoming to our users.

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