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Re: Sniper Rifle

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:22 pm UTC
by Viech

If the carrying handle is in fact a cheek rest then it should be a tad more ergonomic. :smile:

I have to correct myself with regards to the scope, it seems real world military scopes always have a rather small diameter on the side facing the user. (I guess a little bigger wouldn't hurt though.)

If you don't feel inspired by the bullpup then don't go for it. Apart from quality and consistency requirements the design is all up to you.

You could consider having the tip of the grip on the lower side of the barrel double as a mounting point for a bipod which either isn't attached or, if it is, leaves enough space for a hand. The khaki and the light khaki rifles janev posted would be an example of the former, the dark khaki rifle would be an example of the latter.

Re: Sniper Rifle

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:02 am UTC
by Khaoz

I think we should stick with the railgun/energy weapon sniper rifle thing we have going at the moment.

Love the first concept, In my opinion I don't think you should feel too restricted to make it look like any current model of sniper rifle that currently exists.

This is the sniper rifle of the future (I'm pretty sure it won't be called "Sniper Rifle" in game), It doesn't even shoot bullets, it shoots energy (or plasma w/e), so yeah feel free to experiment and don't hold back.

If people wanted 'Realistic guns' then they can go play the new battlefield 4, this is about making things look visually awesome.

Just my 2cents.

Re: Sniper Rifle

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:51 am UTC
by janev

If you want to model it as an energy weapon that is fine... Just make it en ergonomic one. Boxy is not okay even in the future. :smile:

I think the lasgun model is doing it right:

Re: Sniper Rifle

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:28 pm UTC
by alexbo

Here's where I am so far.

janev wrote:

If you want to model it as an energy weapon that is fine... Just make it en ergonomic one. Boxy is not okay even in the future. :smile:

I agree. I look back at the chaingun and I really feel like it looks like a bunch of cubes. Looking back it really looks more amateur. Too bad it's being modeled I'd propose to redo it perhaps.

I hope the sniper rifle is better. I think it is. Still, please let me know if something should change.

Re: Sniper Rifle

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:07 pm UTC
by Viech
Khaoz wrote:

I think we should stick with the railgun/energy weapon sniper rifle thing we have going at the moment.

This is a bit late I guess, in the assignment I (deliberately) didn't give any specifics on how the weapon is supposed to work.

As a sidenote, I'm not happy with the way the battery pack interacts with the Mass Driver (it is supposed to work like a battery that is worn on the back but it increases the clip size of a gun that accelerates mass?!) so I'm rather happy the design resembles a projectile gun now. In my opinion it should just get the "right" clip size and be entirely non-energy, gameplay wise.

Alex' concept is quite a nice projectile weapon fitting the style of the SMG and HMG, so I think he should continue like this.

Let's get to the concept:

  • I like the details on the scope a lot. The eye piece has a good size now.

  • The new trigger handle is a lot better, the one thing it's missing is a rest for the pinky.

  • Sharp edges below the barrel are less of a problem now (apart from the small edge going down vertically between magazine and handle) but I guess the handle area could extend a little further so the hand rests comfortably on it. If you want to you could put more emphasis on the fact that this gun is also designed to be fired without a bipod by making the front handle a more prominent and visible part.

  • The brass ejector is too small to handle the oversized bullets this rifle is supposed to fire.

  • The edges of the cheeck rest look a bit too round/smooth compared with the rest of the gun. Maybe try something more "well-defined".

  • The reduced barrel length was a good idea, makes the gun more compact for indoor fights.

Re: Sniper Rifle

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:48 pm UTC
by alexbo

How do you like it! My first tripod so not a super design ehe but still I think I made a good progress on this one as a whole.


Re: Sniper Rifle

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 7:37 pm UTC
by janev

The optic should open up a bit at the end of the scope. You might look at the trijicon acog optics for inspiration.

For the bipod legs I dunno... are we likely to want the bipod legs dangling down all the time? If not they should be drawn in the "up" position. Are they even necessary? If not we can remove the bipod all together.

The Steyr scout does a nice folding bipod design the folds up and is out of the way when not in use.

The trigger guard seems a bit narrow to me. Could you fit a finger in there?

Add an ejection port above the magazine. Should be on the right side of the gun so a right handed shooter is ejecting the brass away from him when shooting it.

Re: Sniper Rifle

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:28 pm UTC
by Viech

I don't have any more feedback at the moment, I think this is pretty sweet. (I still think the brass ejector should be bigger though.)

The bipod doesn't need to dangle, we can just keep it in a fixed position. If we feel it was a bad idea to have a bipod on it we can either not model it or simply hide/remove it from the finished model, so I see no issue there. I personally like it, it gives the gun character. Regarding the scope, I think we don't need to be super realistic here. The current version looks fancy.

Re: Sniper Rifle

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:52 pm UTC
by alexbo

I had some more critique from people on concept (who are much less reserved in their crits :P)

I was told to loose the pointy cartridge container. Make the brass ejector bigger. They told me to remove the end of the barrel
, where it gets bigger, unless I have holes in it to give it a function as a compensator / muzzle brake. So I did, and tried to make it not just round holes, make it slightly different. I also follow Janev's advice on the scope. It's true that almost no scopes i could find, certainly not on real rifles, had a uniformly circular scope.


Re: Sniper Rifle

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:49 am UTC
by Viech
alex_bo wrote:

I had some more critique from people on concept (who are much less reserved in their crits :P) […] I was told to loose the pointy cartridge container.

Viech wrote:

I agree with janev that a bigger clip would probably look better. Also the angle at the lower end looks good but is unrealistically big.

alex_bo wrote:

Make the brass ejector bigger.

Viech wrote:

The brass ejector is too small to handle the oversized bullets this rifle is supposed to fire.


Anyway, I love the changes! This is one beast of a sniper rifle!

(Make the holes on the muzzle aligned or make it an actual recoil compensator by only having openings at the top, but at an angle where the muzzle fire doesn't get into your sight.)